Date: February 8, 2022
Time: 6:30pm
Where: LPGA
“Tough times don’t last, Tough teams do” – Pearls to improve your interdisciplinary team care
J. Kobi Stern, DMD, M.Sc,
In today’s competitive dental market, clinicians are looking for ways to enhance and differentiate their practice. Allowing patients more comprehensive solutions to satisfy their dental functional and esthetic needs through a team approach has a great potential to also benefit one’s own practice. This lecture will discuss those aspects and focus on managing complex aesthetic and functional cases with a team approach.
Key Objectives :
• Learning key factors in successful dental team approach.
• Recognize the importance of properly sequenced interdisciplinary treatment.
• Identify key timepoints of different treatment indications to improve team efficiency and patient satisfaction.
Brief bio:
Jacob K. Stern, DMD, M.Sc is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Currently, he is an Associate Professor, in Periodontics at the Georgia College of Dentistry (DCG), Augusta University (AU) where he served as program director for the advanced education in Periodontics. Dr. Stern completed his graduate training in Periodontics and a post graduate implant fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Stern has numerous publications in professional journals, and has contributed to important texts in his field.
He has lectured on periodontics and implant dentistry before dental societies in the United States and abroad. In addition to his faculty practice, Dr. Stern serves as a consultant for the Ronald Goldstein Esthetic Implant Center at AU and for the VA Medical Center, Augusta, Ga. Dr. Stern is a recipient of multiple regional, national and international prestigious teaching & research awards among of which include the IADR Hatton research award, the AAP foundation Lazzara implant fellowship award, the Pier Fauchard and AAP teaching excellence award.